But first some quick announcements...
- Julie A. Cole... come out, come out, where ever you are? There are lots of readers waiting to meet you. Anon, if you're out there and ready to do your thing... feel free.
- Today is Whack on the Side of the Head Wednesday, but in light of our Mother's Day Celebration we will move it to Saturday. Tune in. As there might very well be something in it for you.
- Are we having any husbands, uncles, brothers, or sons reading our block this week? Consider posting a comment, so we know you're out there.
- I am 642 short of my goal. Thanks for plugging away at this for me. 5,000 viewers by May 1 is my goal... for reasons with which you are all way too familiar.
Ok, back to Operation Mother's Day...Carol Porter is a dear and valued friend of mine, who I met while working at Southern Methodist University. Carol was the administrative assistant in the office where I worked, which is to say... she ran everything and knew everything. I have a couple of favorite memories of Carol. One such memory was during my interview for the job. She asked how I felt about moving coolers (drink coolers, that is). Little did I know at the time, our office was a one-stop shop. As employees of New Student Programs we did it all... including things such as making coffee for parents, directing lunch traffic in 110 degree Dallas heat, and yes, hauling coolers filled with drinks across campus.
My second memory happened only weeks into my position. I was on my way to a meeting and right before I darted out the door, Carol - thank goodness for Carol - gently said, "Don't you want to put on some lip stick?" This is the same woman who earlier in the week gently suggested I needed to soften up the direct, "New Yorker" tone of a memo I had written, so as to be better received by the kinder, gentler Texans for whom it was being written. That was just the beginning of our perfect yin and yang relationship. Carol the epitome of grace, professionalism, and calmness... me... louder, less graceful, and more frazzled.
She is also practical. While I was dreaming big about how we could transform our orientation program by adding this program and taking on who knows what, Carol was the voice of reason. She has an eagle eye for detail, is the ultimate bookkeeper, and possesses a healthy amount of skepticism.
When asked about the best Mother's Day present either given or received, Carol answered without reservation. Her birthday is May 10, so it always fall on or around Mother's Day. For that reason, her two children always make an extra special effort to be home for the occasion(s). One year her son, who is an insurance adjuster, was unable to be at home because he was doing assessments on damage done by a hurricane. All State Insurance sent flowers to Carol apologizing for her son's absence! How about that?!
Are all you bosses making note? One of Carol's most memorable Mother's Day gifts was compliments of the company for which her son works! Now that's impressive. Flowers, I might add, are an extra special indulgence for Carol, because it is something she might never buy herself. So, in honor of Carol, today we will brainstorm the best of PRACTICAL gift giving.
Let me start by introducing another friend from SMU with whom I recently had lunch... Arlene Manthey... mother of two boys and perhaps THE most energetic person I have EVER met. She radiates energy and there is no way to be around her without having some of it rub off (perhaps the reason I am honoring more than one mother today). DARN... I took a picture of her yesterday at lunch and didn't realize until I got home that my memory card was not in my camera. You'll have to visualize a tall, attractive woman with a great smile.
Arlene also had little problem answering my prompt of the best present she'd ever either given or received. Her answer... Giorgio Perfume. She said she considered the gift somewhat practical, because it is something she would buy for herself once it ran out. Of course she then went into an animated discussion of how you can't buy this perfume in stores anymore because according to some nervy woman in a department store, Giorgio Perfume is considered "totally 80's and out of date." Her resourceful husband and kids have resorted to buying her perfume on Ebay. She also said - now that she was all worked up - that you also couldn't buy Juniper Breeze Body Wash at Bath and Body Works anymore. It's considered a "classic" and needs to be ordered on-line (can you tell we were commiserating about getting older?).
I got to thinking more about her perfume dilemma on my drive home. Perfume is something manufacturers have a moral obligation not to discontinue. The perfume a woman wears in many cases (Arlene's included) her trademark scent... THE scent by which her boys have come to recognize her over the past 21 years. I feel the same about my mother's perfume - . The scent of my of my mother's perfume brings me right back to my childhood in seconds flat. When company's discontinue a line, simply because it doesn't generate the requisite revenue, they do so at the expense of whole families having to mourn the loss of something that automatically conjures up fond memories of warmth and familiarity.
Oh, how I digress... Back to PRACTICAL gift giving. What are some of the best examples you have of practical Mother's Day gifts, either given or received? If, as an added bonus, you want to share some ideas about thanking an administrative assistant, feel free. Recognition of hard work is appropriate any time.
As for me... signing off until tomorrow and...
PRACTICAL...... Now practical isn't FUN.... I buy my own practical gifts. As a mom I want either sentiment or elaborate....
I WOULD LOVE A CLEANING WOMAN!!!!! I am tired of making beds and washing floors every day! And Claudia you know I mean everyday!!
That would be practical to me :)LOL
My vote for the best practical gift is a big, soft bath robe. Every few years I try to replace my mother's - and now my mother-in-law's - bath robe with a new one, in a bright cheerful color to start their day.
I will contact Julie today. I actually have and will persist until it seems stalkerish and I fear arrest.
My mother always enjoys annuals or bulbs, or a gift card to Loews or a greenhouse, etc. to get her yard ready for Spring. There are a few online vendors I have used since we are miles and miles apart and I cannot pick anything living out myself. Practical, yet something she enjoys!
Practical- just the kind of gift my mother enjoys. One year we got her a nice fold-out chair for the deck so she can sit out in the summer to tan, drink iced tea, and read her books.
Last year, we got her a cover for her tennis racket and some nice tennis balls.
I have done my fair share of sentimental gifts (being the only daughter that I am), but I know my mother also enjoys the practical gifts...after all, at some point she is always sure to let us know what she would like to receive each year.
My Mother (from whom I certainly inherited the practical gene)is just like I in that neither of us spend money on ourselves even for the most practical of items (hence my hesitation to get a haircut for more than $15). With this in mind my most recent Mother's Day gifts have been of the practical strain. A new spring outfit, sandals, a gift card to get HER hair done, and believe it or not I remember once in high school getting my Mom the ultimate practical gift underwear (as she would never buy anything other than the 6 pair in a plastic bag Fruit of the Loom or Hanes variety).
I guess the lesson is that for those of us who want and give practical presents these gifts are extravagant as they are things we don't normally indulge ourselves in.
As for this year, perhaps I'll treat my Mom to a nice hair cut and perm to match the new do I will be sporting by then.
Oh and also let me chime in out of support. I HATE IT WHEN MY SCENT IS DISCONTINUED! From the department store or bath and body works. It drives me nuts! It is sooooo wrong! An aunt of mine bought me my first bottle of "real perfume" when I was in my early teens, telling me all women should have a signature scent, it was a very special trip to the mall. Now, as I aged, I was wise enough to choose something besides "Colors" by Benneton (totally 80s!) which I chose at 13 with my aunt. But two of my "signatures" have been taken off the market over the years, and it pains me every time to find a new one!
I hope everyone is having a good week. I have to support the sentimental gift ideas as being my favorite when it comes to Mother's Day. I lost my mother at the end of May last year and so instead of looking for a gift for her this year I have been brainstorming creative ways in which I can celebrate her life and help my friends and family remember her.
I began the tradition of doing something each year on the anniversary when someone passes away to remember them as well as helping others to remember them when my friend Brooke Hall passed away from Cancer. Brooke was a fellow R.A. at WKU and battled cancer for 2 1/2 years. She was such a phenomenal individual and each year when I put something together it allows me time to reflect upon memories and her life.
I have sent out letters, pictures,planted a tree, etc., but the goal is each year to find a way to celebrate her life. This year will be the first time of doing this for my mom. One thing I am doing is purchasing a bench and plaque at Bernheim Forest. This was somewhere we went often and had a pic-nic when I was a kid.
Any ideas that anyone has to offer would be appreciated.
On that note something that I think my mom really treasured were all of the cards and notes she was given by me and my sister. As I was going through some of her drawers in her room I came across a large stack of letters, cards, and notes my sister and I had given to her over the years.
I remember one mother's day when my sister and I turned our house into a mock bed and breakfast. We had vases with flowers everywhere, made some signs, cooked breakfast, and presented our gifts.
Another year we assembled a Legacy of women in our family and presented it to our mom. We put together a book that contained some awesome pictures of all the women on my moms side of the family. We also collected some neat stories and quotes from those women in reference to my mom.
I like the practical gift. A new set of kitchen towels with the matching pot holder. Or a gift card for Target, Starbucks, iTunes or Lowes. I secretly would love a table saw and other cool tools to "build stuff". I also love flowers.
Okay- the whole perfume thing really makes me mad. I wear Mackie and everytime I go to the store to buy it, I hold my breath and hope it's there. I went in March and guess what! Go ahead. Yep, they're only going to carry it on Mother's Day and Christmas. :(
Now the ultimate practical gift would be Maid Service! I hate cleaning.
Like I said before, practical gifts aren't really my style. However, the most practical gifts I remember giving for Mother's Day were a new pair of running shoes and a discman (pre-cursor to mp3 players).
It was at a time when my mother was getting back into exercising, and I knew she would never spend the money on good shoes. Plus she's not the most "technologically saavy" person in the world, so I had to find just the right portable CD player for her.
I've really been giving some serious thought to another practical gift this year, as my mother is determined to re-organize her house. But I'm not really sure of what I'd get. Too bad we don't have a container store anywhere close!
Apparently the Julie Cole I located is not who we are looking for. I am dry on leads. :( I will try to do some more scouting around.
Practical mother's day gifts- I don't care if they're practical or sentimental - getting remembered is the important thing. I have a friend who gets a cleaning lady for a year every mother's day. That would be so great - not going to happen- but still I wish.
As for perfumes, did you know that there are places where you can make your own scent. I know that Aveda has started this recently. So, maybe if there's a "note" in the discontinued scent that you like, they can match it or get something similar.
Wow! Today's contributions are terrific, so far! Artnme1556, your entry brought tears to my eyes.
If our male visitors don't yield some great ideas today, then I'm not sure there is help to be had. Have no fear though... there is more time before week's end.
Anon... why don't you think you found the right Julie A. Cole? The only information I was able to yield on her when doing my initial search was... affiliated with Girl Scouts, 42 or 43 years old, and lived in Lincoln, Nebraska (though someone came back later saying they thought it was Omaha).
i found out yesterday that my mom wants a new blender for mother's day this year. i believe our current blender is older than i am (im comin up on 21 in a few months). so i think this practical gift sounds perfect since my mom makes a fruit smoothie with our blender almost every day!
artnme1556, I like your ideas of remembering loved ones on the day they passed. This year was the 1st anniversary of my mother-in-law passing. I wanted to do something special for my husband since I thought it may be a rough day for him. One idea was to leave him a yellow flower because yellow was her favorite color. Also, she died from pancreatic cancer. I googled some sites and found a foundation that raises money for pancreatic cancer researach by selling reusable grocery bags (and other things) with their logo that said, "You can hope or you can help." So, we were able to practice sustainablity while getting the message out about the foundation. Also, I was going to make one of her best dinners for my husband that night. We were going to be very busy that day so I wasn't going to be able to. Instead, we went to the dining hall that day for lunch and they served the exact meal I was going to make...and they had never served that meal before that day. Weird! So, I tell him that was his gift from her!
The bench idea is great!
Here is the information I have on Julie Cole:
Program Specialist with the Girl Scouts. Phone number: 402.558.8189 ext 222
Anon, I hope this helps!
Shari, Thanks for the great ideas. You are thoughtful with a capital "T" - making your husband a very lucky man.
Cassie, As a fellow smoothie lover, I sanction this a GREAT Mother's Day gift. Perhpas you could print off some new and interesting smoothie recipes to attach to the outside of your package. It is,after all, all about the packaging!
Julie Cole said that her middle initial isn't "A" but she does in fact live in Omaha. And she works for the girlscouts. But she used to live in Lincoln--so could this be her? I dont know? How many Nebraskaneers work for the girlscouts and are named Julie Cole?
She seems like a delightful Julie Cole, nonetheless.
I think Maureen also contacted the same Julie (no A) Cole.
402 is an Omaha area code so I think Tera has the same Julie we aren't (or are we?) looking for.
Off to the park-
For a funny adventure I highly reccomend visiting a local ceramics shop such as the Paint Spot in Louisville Kentucky. What you will see around this time of year is HILARIOUS!
Fathers and children flock to these centers of creativity to create a one of a kind piece for mom's all across the land. Most of the times it involves a childs handprint or footprint plastered on a bowl,plate, or platter.
I think I found something that may be helpful in locating Julie Cole. I found a Julie Cole listed on the www.capitolcitycarvers.org that recently presented a carving lesson for local elementary school children in Lincoln NE. I am sending an email to the website to see if we can track her down this way.
I'm willing to bet that she is the Julie Cole - though I don't know where I got the "A" from?
Anon, will you reconnect with her and beg her to show herself on our blog? I want more than anything to say hello and introduce her to our fun community!
Thanks for all the leg work. You are tenacious with a capital "T."
Claudia- you are too funny... I want to be something with a capital, too! HA!
That would be Funny... with a capital "F" AND an explanation point!!! (or three).
Big Give Update #2
Where is everyone else?
So I challenged my fellow contestants and they responded in grand fashion...12 said "YES" and we put the challenge to the Vice Presidents who ALL agreed to have a pie in their face to get the money. AND they all agreed to donate $50 to the cause should the president be willing to step to the plate....here's crossing our fingers as the ask is in.
I have an aunt that passed away about 12 years ago. She was like a second mom to me.. I made a stepping stone for my rock garden with her name and date of passing. She loved the garden so I thought it was perfect and on Mothers Day (she is also my Godmother) I placed it in my garden. I thought it was the perfect "Mothers Day" gift in her honor...
I'm so irritated...this is the 3rd time I've typed this up and blogger keeps eating my posts. Grrr!
Anyhow, my mom is a single mother and has always done without so that I could have what I wanted/needed. She is still like that to this day even though I'm grown and have moved on my own...force of habit, I guess. For that reason, I always try to do practical for her gifts.
Most often, I buy her a brand new outfit from head to toe, complete with accessories since her wardrobe is as old, if not older, then me. One year we were planning a trip to the beach in mid June so I bought her a new beach bag and filled it with new beach towels (since hers were paper thin), flip flops, sunscreen, a new book, and a hat. I have also taken her to get her hair done.
This year's gift isn't practical but maybe for her birthday.
I absolutely loved reading about Arlene and Carol, two great people and two fabulous moms!!! Now that I am a mom, I have started to take note of all the wonderful women who have inspired me through the years. I have come to realize that nearly every single one is a mom. Just that simple fact makes me smile.
Thanks for making me smile this morning, Claudia!
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