Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Connectors and Their Big Black Books

Wow!  If my calculations are correct we had 224 people visit the blog yesterday.  That will make a nice little dent in the 2,961 we needed yesterday at this time.  A few more days like that (OR BETTER) and we will be on our way to reaching 5000 by April 16.  Special thanks to cspgradstudent, Cheryl, Tera, and Melanie who are actively working their network to get us one person closer to Julie A. Cole.  There are a few others working on getting us connected, but they are choosing not to post and, instead, to work behind the scenes.  I'll take the effort any way I can get it.

Onward and Upward...
Today's post will build on the concept of yesterday's.  Yesterday we touched on the premise of Six Degrees of Separation.  We noted that when the letters finally reached the designated person in Boston, Mass., a disproportionate number of them went through the hands of only a couple of people.  Today we will talk about who those people are and why they are important to YOU!!!!
My goal is to make this feel like a five minute workshop stuck somewhere in your day.  It's the workshop that requires no registration fee, no travel funds (I come to you), no name tag, and no power point.  Just the quick presentation of an idea that you can apply immediately after walking away from your computer.
The workshop-concept will work best if you have some kind of project or idea that you are trying to get more widely accepted by others, so you can follow along with me, but apply the information to your own world.  The "others" of whom I speak can be family members, workers, your neighbors, a group of friends, members of the PTA or some other group with whom you might be involved.  If you don't have something you yourself are trying to promote, feel free to follow along with me, as together we tackle the challenge of "tipping" my blog site. 

The notion of "Tipping" - discussed in the book inspiring this week's entries and titled, The Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell - is simple.  Just as there is a distinct point when water freezes to ice (32 degrees Fahrenheit), there is a point at which something "tips" and becomes wildly popular - an epidemic of sorts.  This is true in the worst of circumstances, such as the spread of AIDS, but it is also true of less grave matters such as the popularity of Harry Potter (which started as a simple book club choice among a couple of women in San Francisco); the cross over of Van sneakers - once worn only by skate boarders - and then becoming popular among mainstream youth; and the resurgence of Hush Puppies a few years back.  All of these things "tipped" - that is... spread from being recognized by a few to having a an international following. 
Here are some examples of projects or ideas that some of our readers might try "tipping," based on who I know some of our readers to be (I'll use initials, in the event our readers are shy)....
  • S.W... spreading the word about her massage business
  • C.Y.... trying to get large scale neighborhood participation in her Halloween Festival
  • H.S.... increasing participation in an annual campus-wide program
  • D.O.... increasing enrollment numbers in the private school for whom she works
  • N.A... making her invention known world-wide
  • A.B.... the above goes for you too
  • ME!  Attracting thousands of readers from all corners of the map to participate in the fun blog community we are together building. 
Today I will introduce to you the concept of CONNECTORS.  Generally speaking, connectors are people who, flat out, know a lot of people.  It is not to say they know these people well, just that they have many acquaintances.  Most often, connectors travel in multiple circles which how they come in contact with so many others.  They are essential to our ideas becoming epidemics, because the bottom line is... their address books are chock full and they have access to large quantities of people.  Truth... if we want our ideas to spread to the masses, we need access to the masses.  Connectors help us do this.  We have a few people in our readership who I think might fit into this category. 
  • CSPgradstudent is a student at a university in Louisville, KY.  She is also somewhat involved in a group in northern Kentucky; has held membership in numerous student organizations; works at a child care facility; traveled abroad where she met people from all over the world; participated in a week-long institute where she met college students from all over the country; and I'm sure other involvements that I am not mentioning (we haven't even touched on electronic communities... in which she is well versed and well connected).  
  • Cassie Y. is very involved in her neighborhood, spearheading numerous social events.  She is also a member of a gym; an official soccer mom; takes another one of her children to gymnastics; worked for a period of time at the branch campus of a university; is an active member of her church; and has recently gotten involved in local campaigning for a presidential candidate.  A few weeks ago she invited a woman she met at a presidential caucus to play Bunco with her neighborhood friends.  Also playing that night was friend from she met while living in Fort Worth... and come to think of it, me.  Cassie connected me to her group of friends shortly after I moved to Texas.  Cassie travels in multiple circles and thrives on connecting those circles of friends.  This is the sign of a connector. 
I could go on, because there are others of you I believe fall in this category.  In the interest of time, I will stop here.

Concept applied... Ok.  If I want my blog to tip, I need to formally employ all the CONNECTORS I know to grant me access to their acquaintances.  How?  Request that they send my blog address out via their listserve; make an announcement at their next meeting; post a flier in a visible spot at the day care, gymnasium, or soccer field; leave small, business card-sized announcements in work mailboxes, etc.....  You might notice that cspgradstudent was one of the first to offer up an acquaintance she had in Nebraska who might lead us to Julie A. Cole.  This is an example of a CONNECTOR at work.  

How about you?  What are you trying to make tip and what CONNECTORS do you know?  How might you employ the connectors you know to help spread the word about your initiative?
And, if you consider yourself a connector... Highlowaha.com... help spread the word!!!

Signing off until tomorrow when we come one step closer to tipping our ideas.       


Anonymous said...

Okay, I have a challange for Free for all Friday (warning - long post ahead)! In May a group of students and staff (myself included) will be traveling to Belize to work with a micro-lending program for underprivelidged women. We are still trying to raise money to cover travel costs for the trip, and although I think we'll be close to our goal by the time our planned fundraisers are finished, if we can raise above and beyond our goal we would feel a lot better (and the extra would go toward funding additional loans). Here is what we've done or what we're working on so far:
* Sold tickets to a local comedy show
* Car Wash
* Yard Sale
* Sand Dollar Campaign (paper sand dollars are sold for $1 each and displayed on campus with the purchasers name, purchasers are entered for door prizes) This also doubles to promote knowledge of the event.
* Selling consessions at a big event on campus
* Recruiting sponsorships from local organizations/corporations

Anyone have any additional ideas?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Beeny ... I wanted to let you know that I'm going to find Julia. I have been working "behind the scenes" and I've got a few different leads that I'm pursuing.

Also, I had to laugh when I read today's post b/c I reached out to many of my connectors yesterday - in hopes of finding JAC and increasing your readership. Funny how things happen.

Anonymous said...

For what it is worth...cspgradstudent and I have someone in common (my Aunt Karen and her neighbor) who works for Girl Scouts International in their Great Lakes Valley office.
I think it could be a pretty direct tie to Julia A. Cole.

K--should I take it or you?

Anonymous said...

I also should add that I wasn't included in yesterday's readership because I was out with a sick baby...that means that you would have had even more readers on!

Katie said...

H--Since I won't be going home for a few more weeks, I'll let you take this one. Did I miss a step when we realized that Julie A. Cole was involved with Girl Scouts?

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Women... and man (Go Treye!) keeping my dream alive. I love it! It sounds like, between Treye, Heather, Melanie, and cspgradstudent, we are well our way to meeting Julie A. Cole by the designated, April 21.

Thanks also, Treye, for coming out from behind the scenes. I feel like I ought to do something fun to formally recognize the first male reader to formally participate in our fun. Ideas?

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Melanie, I love your challenge. This is our collective creativity being applied to philanthropy. I will put this in the hopper for Friday. Others should fee free to chime in too.

We had another reader who posed a challenge to me, via phone. I will post it on Friday, so each of you can offer up your suggestions. Think soccer.

So, Friday is looking to be a busy day!

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Cheryl... Below are the Colorstrology Birthday Profiles. I am posting them on today's blog as a ploy to get your friends to join us...

Allison, Welcome to highlowaha.com. Keep coming back, as we're a fun group of people sharing ideas and building a community in the process.

Your birthday, December 20.Parisian Blue (a beautiful shade with some undertones of grey). Sensitive, Strong, Spiritual. If you were born on this day you have great hunches and are a kind and loving person. You are far stronger than most people know. Loving and fair, you were born with a giving nature. Resist the urge to doubt yourself when you interact with people who are stingier and more fearful than you are. Move around their energy as you would an iceberg in the sea. Compatible birthdays January 29, May 11, July 31

Diana... same with you. Join us again. Friends of Cheryl's are bound to be fun, so we want your company.

Your (and Drew's) birthday. October 31 (HALLOWEEN). Tibetan Red (a deep, almost brick red with undertones of blue). Auspicious, Magical, Practical. If you were born on this day your courage and persistence will help you attain many of life's blessings. Once you are interested in something you have the necessary willpower and tenacity to attain it. Seeing the fruits of your labor is vital to your well-being. You are a born detective and appreciate a challenge. Compatible birthdays: January 4, August 23, October 22.

Anonymous said...


you should contact a local restaurant and see if they will give part of their profits one night to your group. i know that max and erma's does it up here. what happens is you get all of your friends and family to go eat there on a specified night...they have to bring a coupon that they give to their server. a certain percentage of their total bill goes toward your group!

hope that helps. good luck fundraising!


Anonymous said...

Hello Everyone:
I have a great laundry "tip" that I heard yesterday from a co-worker and thought of the blog.
This tip came from a single mother of three. She utilizes lingerie bags and has each of her kids put their dirty socks and underwear in these bags before doing the laundry. The end result a "pre-sorted bag of particular items that is given back to the children to put away. I thought it was a fun and easy way to keep things sorted and orderly.

Cheryl Houston said...

Thanks Claudia. I emailed them a link to today's entry, too.

My thoughts are all over the place about today's topic. I don't think I have anything that I need tipping (but I sometimes regret that I don't draw more) and I don't consider myself a Connector as I have a small network of friends (but I didn't hesitate sending out an email to that small group) and am not involved in any groups (but if invited, I might agree).

See! I'm struggling between the shy girl that I grew up as and the independant woman that I've become. Someone left a nasty, nasty comment on one of my other blogs that I read. My comment was, isn't it interesting how the internet and being anonymous lets us be nasty. And the other side of that, doesn't it lend a hand to someone shy to branch out and be more social.

Okay, that's my two cents for the day. :) I hope we can get highlowaha tipped!

Anonymous said...

I think some of us have large social networks and some of us small and intimate circles. I myself am with you and despite having a circle of a few close friends find that I do quite well when it comes to networking and connecting. I think it just depends on how one is wired.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Beeny:
How are you? This is Patrick from your CSP classes at UofL. I have decided to enter the land of your blog.I hope life is treating you well.

I have some ideas for Melanie.
Would it be possible to do a staff/faculty dress down day for an opportunity to wear jeans or dress down and charge a dollar?
At WKU we hosted a Soul food dinner and charged 5.00 a plate and it went over really well.
My last idea would be to do a fundraiser that relates to women. Perhaps you can find a salon that will donate packages to be raffled? Better yet a salon that will donate the procedes from certain services such a manicures.

I would be interested in hearing my birthday colorstrology. August 17.


Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

I, for one, have appreciated the mutual respect we have shown one another on this blog site. So, thanks to all of you for that.

I started this blog, because between leaving my job and moving to a new city, I was feeling pretty disconnected. I am actually introverted, so going out and creating a network of friends is (1) something that will take me quite a while, and (2) not something I'm especially good at. Participating in this small community each day helps fill my need to be connected.

And, I'm having fun participating in this on-going swap of ideas.

Maybe more people than you know can relate to what you describe, Cheryl.

As for having an idea to tip. If at this point in your life you don't have one of your own... come on over and be on my team. We have eight days left to hit 5,000 and lots of ground to cover.

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Patrick, Welcome aboard! We will benefit from your creativity AND male perspective I might add. Feel free to suggest topics you'd like covered, in order to assure we present topics of appeal to both men and women. You too, Treye.

Patrick, your suggestion for Melanie was spot on because she knows (and I think uses) a GREAT hair salon that is very much wired toward philanthropy. Melanie, I suggest calling Jazz and telling her your story. I bet you anything, she'd help develop some sort of promotional deal.

Also, Patrick... THANK YOU for the great book and thoughtful note. I loved the book and will actually feature a portion of it as some point.

Now what you've been waiting for... August 17...
Mecca Orange (a deep, somewhat muted shade of orange). Deep, Healer, Perceptive. If you were born on this day you have an enormous amount of depth and awareness. Capable of seeing what is hidden, you are a light for others as they move through troubled or unchartered waters. Taking action and making mistakes are both important parts of your evolution. Learning to express yourself fearlessly is a life-giving exercise. Compatible birthdays: March 14, March 25, June 17

Depth and awareness... I agree, completely.

Cheryl Houston said...



Here's a site that has a bunch of ideas!

Anonymous said...

Are you coming to Bunco???

Anonymous said...

Do you want to help with the halloween project?

Cheryl Houston said...


As the big winner last month, I wouldn't miss Bunco! :)

My initial repsonse for your Halloween project is "of course!" but you'll have to tell me more about it before I can totally commit because it's also my son's birthday and I may have other obligations to throw him a party. Can't wait to hear about it though.

If you want to email directly, my email is cherylopry@gmail.com or we can chat at Bunco.

Anonymous said...

Hey Melanie,

I did a fundraiser a few years back that raised about $1,500. It was for the AIDS marathon I was running in. I hosted a party. I basically invited everyone I knew and all of their friends. I got local and national businesses to donate product or gift certificates (local restaurants, movie theaters, life is good, bed head hair products, grocery stores, coffee shops, you name it). Tickets to get in were $5 and included a couple of raffle tickets. We also sold drinks (just basic wine, beer, mixed drinks, water, soda). I raffled off the donated products every half hour or so (I had SO many). You could also buy more raffle tickets for $2 each. For some of the bigger donated products, we had a silent auction. I totally tapped into my friends for bartending, DJing, and hook ups on donated products. We offered some munchies, too (paid for by donations from grocery stores). It was a lot of leg work, but was really fun and quite successful. Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

50/50 raffle held at big event your doing concessions for...or whenever...event or no event!

Anonymous said...

I was referred to your site by my friend, Chery O'Pry. Your site is very interesting. Keep up the blogging.

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed reading your blog .and all the responses ....i was referred by lori in az .......