Monday, February 25, 2008

Munchkin Monday and More

Good morning and Happy Monday! A few fun items of business and then onto a creative idea for the day.

First. "Wir"... Matthew, Ricky and mommy - that's who ended up sorting socks. If you have no idea what I am talking about, you might scroll back to Friday's post (2/22). It wasn't quite the roll I was looking for, but it was better than the boys rolling "du."

Second. Interestingly enough I received a magazine in the mail on Saturday and it had an article titled, "Connecting With Your Creativity." You will all be glad to know, we're on the right track. The article reiterates that all creative activity (even the non-crafty sort) requires a commitment of time. The author's recommendation is to jump start your creative self first thing in the morning. Maybe that is where I can come in. Check in with early in the day and get your own creative juices flowing.

Now a creative thought for the day. I have become somewhat obsessed with instilling a sense of time management and organization in my boys at an early age. I grew up in a house of only sisters, so the idea that my son could dissappear upstairs for 25 minutes to sharpen a pencil and then come down stairs forgetting why he went upstairs to begin with, is still a shocker. It seems to me the building blocks for teaching time management have to begin by learning the days of the week. For, you can't really learn how to budget your time if you don't know there are only two working days between Monday when the assigment was given and Wednesday when the assignment is due.

What I learned in the process is, that using a fun method for teaching (actually celebrating) the days of the week makes the week more fun for everyone. Join me as I use this week to walk you through the seven days... Beeny Family Style. As an added bonus, I've decided to add a grown-up version for anyone who is less worried about teaching their kids time management and is more interested in spicing up their own week

Munchkin Monday! All of my sons inherited my sweet tooth, so we start the week off with a bang. Monday morning I zip down the road and buy each boy two chocolate munchkins (for those who don't know... a munchkin is a donut hole). It costs me .75 cents and you can guarantee they know exactly which day of the week it is. This started one day when we made the fatal mistake of buying muchkins for the boys when stopping to buy gas. Thereafter, every time we bought gas the boys expected muchkins. Munchkin Monday was the perfect solution. It allowed us to reward them with a favorite treat and, at the same time, eliminate the expectation for munchkins every time we stopped at the gas station.

Now for us grown ups...

Magazine Monday. If you are anything like me, you have a small stack of magazines that you can't bring yourself to throw out because you still haven't made time to look through them. Monday is your day. Skip a chore, eat lunch by yourself at work, multitask while riding a stationary bike at the gym, or crawl into bed 20 minutes early. Whatever your tactic, use Monday to get lost in your favorite magazine.

Signing off until tomorrow.... _______ Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

Hey womana! The boys teacher used that tactic for both students and parents knew what was going on everyday...Monday Math, Tuesday Travel, Wednesday Writing, Thursday Thinking and Friday Fluency.

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Great idea!